As our pupils come from all over North Yorkshire and some even further, we recognise that for most, their school day starts significantly earlier than when they walk through the door.
The aim of nurture breakfast is to support students to have a positive start to their day. It is a time where child-to-child and child-to-adult relationships are positively fostered and reinforced. We provide a healthy and well-balanced meal, which class groups prepare and enjoy together.

This is a time to prepare students mentally and emotionally for the day ahead and can include:
- Reinforcement of micro-routines
- Reinforcement of class values through the preparation and sharing of a meal
- Preparation for transitions using visual timetables
- Upregulating activities such as accessing our sports facilities
- Down-regulating activities such as brain games, art or quizzes
- Circle time and topical discussions
- SEAL activities
- Target setting and discussions
- Celebrating successes
Nurture breakfast provides staff the chance to intervene with any worries or anxieties the students may be experiencing and do some 1:1 coaching if needed.